neděle 19. května 2024


  • Nečas Seminar on Continuum Mechanics
    20.5.2024 (pondělí), 15:40, MFF UK, Sokolovská 83, lecture hall K3 and online via Zoom
    Pavel Krejčí (Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering): Hysteresis in porous media
  • Seminar on Partial Differential Equations
    21.5.2024 (úterý), 8:30, IM AS CR, Žitná 25, rear building, ground floor and online via Zoom
    Elisabetta Rocca (University of Pavia): From non local to local Cahn-Hilliard-Reaction-Diffusion model for tumor growth
  • Seminar on Partial Differential Equations
    21.5.2024 (úterý), 10:00, IM AS CR, Žitná 25, rear building, ground floor and online via Zoom
    Yong Lyu (Nanjing University): Unconditional stability of equilibria in thermally driven compressible fluids
  • Seminář numerické matematiky
    23.5.2024 (čtvrtek), 14:00, MFF UK, Sokolovská 83, posluchárna K3
    Michele Rinelli Decay properties of matrix functions: the influence of polynomial approximation and eigenvalue distribution
  • Seminář strojového učení a modelování
    23.5.2024 (čtvrtek), 14:00, posluchárna S7, Malostranské náměstí 2
    Pierre Nicolay Kinematic-aware Neural Network for Dynamics Modeling
  • Pražský informatický seminář
    23.5.2024 (čtvrtek), 16:15, Auditorium S5, MFF UK, Malostranské nám. 25, Praha 1
    Ondřej Bojar (Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, Charles University): AI Stolen by Transformers!
  • Current Problems in Numerical Analysis
    24.5.2024 (pátek), 10:00, IM AS CR, Žitná 25, rear building, ground floor
    Alexander Heinlein (Delft University of Technology. The Netherlands): Domain decomposition for physics-informed neural networks
  • Current Problems in Numerical Analysis
    24.5.2024 (pátek), 11:15, IM AS CR, Žitná 25, rear building, ground floor
    Hyea Hyun Kim (Kyung Hee University, Korea): Numerical computation and analysis issues in neural network approximation to partial differential equations

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