pátek 14. února 2025

Publikační činnost ÚI

Seznam záznamů vložených do ASEP za ÚI


Věda a výzkum Školství Granty Různé


  • Nečas Seminar on Continuum Mechanics
    17.2.2025 (pondělí), 15:40, MFF UK, Sokolovská 83, lecture hall K3 and on Zoom
    Andreas Vikelis (Faculty of Civil Engineering, CTU): Variational approach for thermodynamics out of equilibrium
  • Seminar on partial differential equations
    18.2.2025 (úterý), 9:00, IM CAS, Žitná 25, rear building, ground floor and on Zoom
    Yoshihiro Shibata (Waseda University): L_1 maximal regularity and global well-posedness of free boundary problem of incompressible Navier-Stokes equations
    18.2.2025 (úterý), 13:00, ICS AS CR, Pod Vodárenskou věží 2, room 318
    Anna Pidnebesna, David Hartman, Daniel Trlifaj, Aneta Pokorna, and Jaroslav Hlinka (Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy Sciences): Are the graphlets a good tool for network analysis? Human brain examples.
  • Noon lectures
    20.2.2025 (čtvrtek), 12:20, MFF UK, Malostranské nám., posluchárna S6, 2. patro
    Taruni Sai Sridhar (Universidad de Chile): An overview of some coloring parameters for (n,m)-graphs
  • Seminář numerické matematiky
    20.2.2025 (čtvrtek), 14:00, MFF UK, Sokolovská 83, posluchárna K1
    Lorenzo Lazzarino: Matrix perturbation analysis of methods for extracting singular values given approximate subspaces
  • Current Problems in Numerical Analysis
    21.2.2025 (pátek), 10:00, IM CAS, Žitná 25, rear building, ground floor
    Petr Sváček (Czech Technical University in Prague): Numerical approximation of coupled problems by finite element method

pátek 7. února 2025


Věda a výzkum





  • Combinatorial Group Seminar
    11.02.2025, 10:00, Velká zasedačka (č. 318, 2. poschodí) Ústavu informatiky AV ČR, v.v.i.
    Rob Sullivan (Institute of Computer Science): Ultrahomogeneous digraphs: universal automorphism groups and canonical amalgamation
  • LogICS
    12.02.2025, 16:00, Velká zasedačka (č. 318, 2. poschodí) Ústavu informatiky AV ČR, v.v.i.
    Joseph McDonald (University of Alberta): MacNeille completion, canonical completion, and duality for monadic ortholattices
  • Current Problems in Numerical Analysis
    14.02.2025, 10:00, IM AS CR, Žitná 25, rear building, ground floor
    David Štefan (Brno University of Technology): Dynamics of vortex structures in hydraulic machines - simulations and experimental visualizations