neděle 7. května 2023


  • Seminar on Partial Differential Equations
    9.5.2023 (úterý), 9:00, IM AS CR, Žitná 25, rear building, ground floor and online via Zoom
    Yoshihiro Shibata (Waseda University): Maximal L_p-L_q theory for the Stokes equations with free boundary conditions
  • Computational Psychometrics Group
    9.5.2023 (úterý), 14:00, ICS CAS, Pod Vodárenskou věží 2, room 318 and online via on Zoom
    Marie Wiberg (Umeå University, Sweden): Nonparametric item response theory as an alternative to parametric item response theory
  • Noon lectures
    11.5.2023 (čtvrtek), 12:20, MFF UK, Malostranské nám., posluchárna S6, 2. patro
    Félix Moreno Peñarrubia (Charles University and UPC): A Computational Approach for Finding 6-List-Critical Graphs on the Torus
  • Seminář strojového učení a modelování
    11.5.2023 (čtvrtek), 14:00, MFF UK, Malostranské náměstí, posluchárna S7
    Rudolf Rosa Generating Texts with Transformer-based Large Language Models
  • Current Problems in Numerical Analysis
    12.5.2023 (pátek), 10:00, IM AS CR, Žitná 25, rear building, ground floor
    Jaroslav Mlýnek, Jan Chleboun, Jana Příhonská, Michal Křížek (Charles University, Prague): Anniversary seminar dedicated to the 80th birthday of Karel Segeth
  • Combinatorial group
    12.5.2023 (pátek), 10:00, ICS AS CR, Pod Vodárenskou věží 2, room 318 and online via Zoom
    Eng Keat Hng (ICS AS CR): Characterising flip process rules with the same trajectories

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