neděle 13. února 2022


  • Combinatorial group
    14.2.2022 (pondělí), 10:00, ICS AS CR, Pod Vodárenskou věží 2, Prague 8, room 419
    Eng Keat Hng (ICS CAS): Minimum degree conditions for powers of cycles and paths
  • Nečas Seminar on Continuum Mechanics
    14.2.2022 (pondělí), 15:40
    Rufat Badal (University of Erlangen): Nonlinear and Linearized Models in Thermoviscoelasticity
  • Current Problems in Numerical Analysis
    18.2.2022 (pátek), 10:00, Institute of Mathematics, Žitná 25, rear building, ground floor
    Jakub Solovský (CVUT): BDDC for MHFEM discretization of two-phase compositional flow in porous media

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