16. ročník konferencie ITAT sa bude konať v hoteli SOREA Hutník I.
v Tatranských Matliaroch v dňoch 15.-19. septembra 2016.
- 20. 5. 2016 zaslanie abstraktov hlavnej konferencie
- 27. 5. 2016 zaslanie článkov hlavnej konferencie
4rd international workshop
Computational Intelligence and Data Mining
Within the 16th conference on Information Technologies
- Applications and Theory, ITAT 2016, which will be held September
15–19 in Tatranske Matliare, in the eastern part the fascinating Slovak
mountains High Tatras, the 4th international workshop Computational
Intelligence and Data Mining will be organized.
We welcome contributions concerning all topics related to these two
overlapping areas, in particular the following:
- Learning, including metalearning and active learning
- Artificial neural networks, including deep networks
- Metaheuristics, including evolutionary algorithms and evolutionary optimization
- Fuzzy systems, including fuzzy reasoning
- Exploratory data analysis
- Data mining based on machine learning and/or statistical methods
- Statistical models, including distribution models, regression models and classifiers
- Rules extraction from data
- Analysis of time series or sequences
- Applications of computational intelligence and data mining methods
Important dates
- Abstract submission May 27
- Paper submission June 3